A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hemicube is a 3D twisty-puzzle game, kind of like a Rubik's Cube. This puzzle, however, moves in a very different way than any other twisty-puzzle.

The puzzle is in its solved state when the colors are in rings that make up a rainbow from the outer-most ring to the center (the initial state of the puzzle before scrambling).

Keyboard controls can be found in the Options menu.


Hemicube Windows
Hemicube Linux Universal
Hemicube Mac Universal

Install instructions

For Windows - Download the zip folder that is appropriate for your system and unzip its contents to a known location, then simply run the .exe file. In the launcher that opens, click Continue to load the game. Note: If you ever wish to move the game to a different location, both the .exe and the _Data folder need to be kept together.

For Mac - Download Hemicube_v03_Universal.app to a known location and run it.

For Linux - Download the zip folder and unzip its contents to a known location. For 32bit users, run Hemicube_v03_Universal.x86. For 64bit users, run Hemicube_v03_Universal.x86_64. Note: If you ever wish to move the game to a different location, the .x86, .x86_64, and the _Data folder need to be kept together.

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